Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Week of 8/30 - "Wait.......what happened to Eureka? And True Blood?"

SPOILERS: White Collar, Covert Affairs, Warehouse 13

That's right, I got played. I watched my shows, took some notes, and anxiously waited for the Eureka finale on Friday at 9. Course, I ended up not making it back from a meeting until 10, so then I was really bummed. And you know how to treat that kind of depression? Sweeney Todd. You stay up until 3 in the morning watching Sweeney Todd. I love that show/movie. So much.

Anyways, it wasn't until Saturday afternoon that I realized I might have missed something, but...wait for it...No illegal videos to be found. And you know why?


Damn you SYFY. This always happens. You never tell us when shows are going on one or two week breaks. It's like making it through the day hoping you'll be cheered up by some stupid thing some politician did that Stephen Colbert is going to tell you about, only to get a repeat week with that one boring episode you didn't quite find that funny.

So then I calmed myself down by saying, it's ok, I'll wait for True Blood on Sunday and then add that to my reviews so they don't seem so sparse. And you know what? No True Blood.


So, as you can tell I'm quite bitter...And I don't have many shows to cover, so I should have posted this last Wednesday. Apologies. Yes, I know it's about a week later than it should be.

Anyways, episode of the week goes to Cover Affairs, for "What Is and What Never Should Be."

White Collar, "Company Man": FUN. Very fun. Neil and Peter change rolls as Peter passes for the successful, charming business man and Neil passes for the....ok, successful, charming lower-on-the-food-chain business man. So not really a huge change. But very very fun. The parallels between Jessica's situation and Neil's were painfully obvious, but don't take that to mean that I found it painful to watch. It was clear how the situation was going to end once they zoomed on Neal when he shows Jessica the pen recorder then puts it away in front of her.

My one issue was with the poison: dia-whatever-it-was. 1) It should have killed them well before the ambulances were able to arrive with the correct antidote (unless they're arguing that the simulated heart attack can actually be combated the same as a normal heart attack - adrenaline?). 2) Can we really call that a confession? The guy was about to die and Peter was a bit fuzzy? Plus he never really said he did it, he just knew the time limit on the poison. 3) Drama FAIL when it came to Neal's heroic efforts. Clearly, if he has the time to get Peter downstairs via elevator (?) he clearly can spare the less-than-one-minute to go rescue the "bad guy" who is also dying a horrible death. One room away. Yeah, logistically, I was quite confused.

And, of course they won't show us what's in the box. Did you really expect them to? Can't wait for tonight!

Covert Affairs "What Is and What Never Should Be": Ben Mercer's back! And Annie is...Happy? Confused? Ticked off? More confused? Not so happy? More ticked off? Good girl. Thank goodness she didn't run into his arms or totally buy his story. Yes, she trusts him a bit too much initially. But when she realizes what trouble she's in with Joan and the agency, she does come around. Not my favorite plot device, the mysterious boyfriend returns, but well executed, I suppose. And in terms of "holy crap you're a spy too?" moments, not totally awful.

Too little Auggie for me, though his chastisement of "at least turn the volume off" when she's trying to access Ben's files made me smile. Jai was great again, adorable at the barbecue, but we're still reminded that he isn't on Annie's side, he's on Joan's. So he may like her, and he may be adorable, but he stays a real person, not some emotional fool for the main character to play with.

And finally, a friend of mine flipped out when she saw Anne Dudek on the screen. "It's, it's, it's, it's...HER.....from HOUSE! But she's smiling?!"

Warehouse 13 "Vendetta": Ahh, I've got so many issues with this episode. As an Artie or Claudia episode, it was great. Really great. As a H.G. Wells episode...NOOOOOOOOO. They're making her good! Or at least cheesily deceptive. And yes, I just made up the word cheesily. 

First the good. We finally get to know why Artie committed treason. I buy it. He doesn't know what the artifacts do, a lot of people's innocent family were imprisoned, I believe he'd trade to free them. It gave us believable back story, a reason for him to get involved in the Warehouse, and a whole slew of new evil artifacts to have nightmares about. And we get some Claudia/Todd moments, which I loved. I though he was being used as a spy, didn't see WPP coming. They're really cute, though I do love me some Claudia/Fargo.

Now let's do some bashing. 1) Dickinson's back! Oh, he's dead. REALLY? I liked Dickinson, and they brought him back just to emotionally kill him off. Anyone else remember the "Kodak moment" when Artie breaks into his office? Yeah, no more of those happening now. It also gave a very forced emotional feel for people who aren't overly familiar with the series. Had I not watched season 1, I wouldn't get why they're so affected by his death, or understand the significance of Artie's treason.

2) Wells. Why don't they call her Helena instead of HG? Anyway, I'm ok with her being good, though I'd prefer her evil. But not with lines like those. Really? Who asks to be bronzed? Clearly there was no protocol to unbronze her. So what was going to happen? The most cheesiest line award goes to Myka for "it was your time machine." Really, just painful. And now a mysterious more-powerful-than-the-regents man appears to put her on the team. Ehhhhh. I want to be with Artie on this one, just cause I really hope she's evil and this is all just some huge plot.

Anyways, fingers crossed that this week goes better! Back to work for me.
~ Sarah


  1. DUDE I just finished last nights white collar? Can they do that? They can't do that right? it wasn't the finale? was it? i have no idea :(

  2. I just finished it!!!!! Yes, they can, but damn them for doing so! It was in fact the finale until the fall season, what a cliffhanger, I didn't see it coming at all. So good. So good.
