Thursday, October 28, 2010

Monday October 25, 2010

SPOILERS: Castle and Chuck

No House this week, but it didn't stop Monday from being totally freaking awesome. Seriously. Freaking. Awesome. So much. Two thumbs up.

I can't decide on an episode of the day, Castle and Chuck were both total winners. SO, I'm leaving that debate up to anyone who wants to comment! (And I'll probably play devil's advocate)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday October 21, 2010

SPOILERS: Big Bang Theory, Sanctuary

No Bones this week, which means a very sarcastic thank you and a rather rude gesture towards the abstract concept of sports on Fox. However, it does mean I can spend much more time on the wonderful awesomeness that was the Sanctuary episode. Oh, and BBT had something too.

Episode of the Day: No brainer, probably the episode of the week, Sanctuary, "Firewall"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tuesday October 19, 2010

SPOILERS: NCIS and Stargate Universe

No Glee last week. BUMMER. But we get Rocky Horror Picture Show this week, so hang in there!

Episode of the Day: Not that I have huge diversity to pick from, but I'll give it to SGU episode "Pathogen" for making me feel emotions during an episode about Chloe. Well, they weren't about her. But still, baby steps.

Because TV Reviews Sometimes Aren't Enough

Something random to make any Batman Begins (or Morgan Freeman) fan laugh, courtesy of

4 koma comic strip - Logic By Morgan

Monday October 18, 2010

SPOILERS: House, Chuck, and Castle

Episode of the Day: Chuck, "Chuck Versus the Couch Lock", thanks to excellent use of the song "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010 (plus Sanctuary premiere!)

SPOILERS: Big Bang Theory, Bones, Sanctuary

Delay, yes, almost late, yes. I've decided that since Thursday is a little lacking, I'm tossing in Sanctuary as well (also, there's nothing else on Friday nights cause...well, it's Friday night and on any channel except SyFy that's not a good night).

Episode of the Day: Sanctuary, "Kali Part 3" (Not perfect, but an extremely excellent premiere)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday October 12, 2010

SPOILERS: Stargate Universe, NCIS, Glee

And...onto the late Tuesday post. There's a handy little pic in the SGU summary for those of you who are as confused as I am about telling the supporting cast of scientists apart.

Episode of the Day: Ouch, actually hard. They were all surprisingly great. So I'm going to have to go for a pity  handout and give it to NCIS for "Royals and Loyals" as I don't think they'll be winning again this season with the way Glee and SGU are headed.

However, I do want to give a small shout out for the brilliant song choice of Tina/Mike Chang's duet of "Sing" from A Chorus Line. Absolute perfection. Probably the best 3 minutes of TV from this week (excluding the Sanctuary premiere).

Monday, October 18, 2010

Monday October 11, 2010

SPOILERS: House, Castle, Chuck

Ok, no excuses this time. Truth is, I got a mid-semester break from college and spent it playing video games and watching Season 1 of Ugly Betty (it's on Hulu!). It was wonderful. I fan-girled more over Christopher Gorham (Henry, also Jake from Jake 2.0 and Auggie from Covert Affairs) and am now convinced that Eric Mabius (Daniel Meade) and Jonathan Young (Tesla from Sanctuary) must be related. Insanely perfect spikey hair has got to be genetic, right?

Anyways, yes, this is from a week ago. Congrats to Castle for finally capturing the coveted spot of....

Episode of the Day: Castle, "Punked"

Monday, October 11, 2010

Sanctuary Mega-Awesome-Spectacular Recap

SPOILERS: MAJOR spoilers for the past 2 seasons below the "Read More" line. This is meant to totally catch you up on the show, and as such, it fills you in on almost all killed off characters, back stories, etc. 

That being said, I don't think it will ruin your enjoyment of the show to read this and then watch the episodes they spoil. Sanctuary has a VERY HIGH re-watch value.

Finally I get to publish this! It's been in the works for two months. Friday, October 15 at 10pm I will be glued to my seat in front of the TV. Hopefully, not because someone was playing with super-glue. That's right, it's the Sanctuary premiere! It is my favorite show currently running, so I've chosen it as receiving special attention.

Here's what you need to know about Sanctuary and why you should watch it (complete with video clips!)

And yes, it's long. Very long. But also, very funny. And I promise, the clips are worth it. :)

[By the way, it's really hard to find actual clips of episodes on YouTube. It's all really terrible music videos for different relationship pairings, and some of them are rather disturbing. Just thought I should let you all know how much I suffered for this]

Premise: The show follows 159 year old British scientist Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and her team as she studies Abnormals, "the next step in evolution": species of creatures and altered humans who are ignored by the general public and would be called monsters. She offers Sanctuary and aid to those who wish it, and in rare cases, protects the rest of the world by forcibly capturing some of them.

Though the basic premise could be termed very "monster of the week", Amanda Tapping and the other show producers have often talked about trying hard to keep the show from that format. Most episodes do focus on the main characters, either through backstory or addressing ongoing themes. 

The nice thing about this show is they don't move on quickly from major events. When a main character was killed during the season 2 premiere, the characters continued to mourn her and talk about her for several more episodes well into the season.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

SPOILERS: Big Bang Theory and Bones

Ditto as before, not enough time, bullets, blah blah blah.

Episode of the Day: Bones, "The Maggots in the Meathead"

Tuesday October 5, 2010

SPOILERS: NCIS, Glee, Stargate Universe

AHHHH MIDTERMS! Bad bad bad bad. Very delayed. Therefore bullet form and no pics. Which is bad because Grilled Cheezus was my favorite Glee episode of the season, possibly of all time. Sorry sorry sorry sorry!!!! Maybe I'll go back and flesh this out next weekend. But probably not.

Episode of the Day: No question, Glee, "Grilled Cheezus". However, I would like to point out that SGU had a stellar, no pun intended, episode in the form of "Aftermath"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Monday October, 4 2010

SPOILERS: House, Chuck, and Castle

Annnnd, it's October. Premiere's are over (except for Sanctuary on Friday October 15!) which means shows are focusing less on shocking us and having huge dramatic twists, and more on returning to formula episodes that make the shows consistently enjoyable. Not that this is a horrific thing, but it means I'm slightly less thrilled. 

Still, House pulled out an amazing episode, so episode of the day: House, "Unwritten"

Monday, October 4, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010

SPOILERS: Bones and Big Bang Theory

Ahhh, behind. Also, not really the bestest episodes I've ever really seen, so this is short and sweet.

Episode of the Day: Neither. Not a very good day.

Tuesday September 28, 2010

SPOIELRS: Glee, NCIS, Stargate Universe

What a diverse bunch of shows to be watching Tuesday night. We got procedural (NCIS), sci-fi (Stargate Universe), and whatever the hell you call Glee - musical dramedy? Anyway, all three shows had a good week, which, considering how nervous I was about the SGU premiere, is quite good news.

Episode of the Day: No question, "Brittney/Brittany", Glee

Friday, October 1, 2010

Monday, September 27, 2010

SPOILERS: House, Chuck, and Castle

Note to self: Lenovo ATI bug is bad. It's worse if you use Notepad and you never save. Soooo....No notes.

I think I always have an excuse when I post; I swear, I'm not that scatter brained. Maybe I subconsciously become scatter brained so that I do something dumb such that I have something to write in this space above the "Read More" lines......

Meh, so much for psychoanalysis, onto the reviews!

Episode of the Week: "Chuck versus the Suitcase" [That's right, Chuck wins 2 weeks in a row!]