Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Jeez, I feel like a broken record. This semester is incredibly hectic for me, and I'm going to try to catch up soon. So sorry.

On a side note, according to my super top secret stats bar, in the last two weeks I've had over a hundred hits purely because of an image of Michelle Pfeifer I have in my Hairspray review. Weird. But flattering. I think.

I have been keeping up with shows though. Castle's doing great, The Cape is still going strong, and House had two surprisingly good episodes with the intro of Cuddy's mom and a Rachel centric episode.

So since I'm too busy to do any writing, what about you readers? What are you watching? Is your semester as hectic as mine? Or just post something about how I'm so zeta slow. Any sign of life on this blog is welcome.