Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 9/7/10 - Summer's Almost Over

SPOILERS: Warehouse 13, Covert Affairs
and especially of finales of White Collar, Eureka, and True Blood (separated from the other two)

Summer is clearly coming to an end, which is something I could've told you a month ago when I started classes again. This week brought 3 finales, and 2 pre-finale build up episodes, so I've got lots to talk about, but very little actual time to do it in. (Actually, negative time)

Plus, this blog is on Facebook now. Sweet.

Episode of the Week: Even with two excellent season finales, I'm giving this to non-finale Warehouse 13 episode "Vendetta"

Warehouse 13 "Vendetta": Considering that an H.G. Wells "Time Machine" reference almost sent me to tears last week, this week's attempt was much better. Watch out if you start missing 22 hours and 19 minutes! It was an interesting take on the Butterfly Effect - by which I mean there wasn't one. When Rebecca collapsed, and it turns out that it's from cancer, I was genuinely surprised and pleased that they weren't going that route.

But to the plot. It's Sarkie! By which I mean it's Julian Sark (Alias) a.k.a Adam Monroe (Heroes) a.k.a. David Anders, an absolutely brilliant actor, and rather gorgeous too. If your type is extremely evil but incredibly charming bastards. He's basically the slightly more sane version of most of Alan Tudyk's characters. When he appeared, I was sure he was a womanizing bastard cause, well, that's who he plays. I almost wish his character had gotten more screen time to play the nice guy. It was refreshingly new from him.

I say almost cause even the moments in the present were great. Claudia acted the adult, sympathizing with Wells, and Wells.....well, it encouraged me to keep with my theory of conniving evil. I'm resisting referencing last nights episode. Go watch it.

And my favorite little moments: "Pete and Myka's excellent adventure" and "Back in the old days, when things didn't work - mine too!" *Everyone kicks the time machine*

My one issue: They kind of copped out of explaining why it's Cinderella's knife. Something's implied, but I don't get what.

Covert Affairs "Fool in the Rain": FREEZE FRAME! If you don't know what I mean, listen to: this. But don't watch, the music video is kinda creepy. Love that song so much thanks to a certain marching band. Otherwise, it was a pretty standard episode. More questionable motives on the part of Auggie and Arthur, Anne Dudek being absolutely adorable and charming again, and Annie being told to fetch by Joan. Honestly, not extremely memorable, all though Yaya was pretty funny. I'm going to suspend disbelief on Annie not getting in trouble for putting together her target and her sister; her cover could easily have been blown. Still, funny and cute.

FINALE SPOILERS (basic summary, but hey, if you keep reading now, that might ruin it for you, in which case - it's YOUR FAULT)

White Collar "Point Blank": Stellar season finale, hands down. Like I said, this is going to get a much fuller review later, but here's the basics. Mozzie is in some serious danger, though I don't think he'll be written off the show (as in, even if he dies, we'll be seeing him around, maybe in flashbacks). He's just too adorable a character, and a great second partner for Neal's antics. And speaking of Neal...

This episode was all about the gun. Just think, if you've watched the episode, what caught you beside Mozzie getting shot. Was anyone really shaken up by what was in the music box or Alex'a appearance? No. All my notes from that night involve the gun.

The most striking image for me was when Neal first sees the gun. You can see him flinch, but then he seems pulled to it. "They say accessories make the outfit;" I loved it, and it gave me chills. The gun fit Caffrey perfectly - old fashioned and stylish. The flair he shows tossing it pass the metal detector is absurd yet so cold and deliberate. An excellent end to the season.

Eureka "I'll Be Seeing You": First off, love the song that the title of the episode comes from. You can catch it during the dance when Allison and Jack kiss. It's a classic Broadway tune and so lovely. My personal favorite is the version sung by Linda Eder. Wow, this article is so music filled...

Anyway, wonderful episode, and a great way to end the season. I was afraid going into the episode that they were going to try to leave us in a cliffhanger with Allison, or worse, kill her off just to pit Carter versus Grant. I'm also bummed Grant seems to be leaving, James Callis has been an amazing addition to the cast, and who doesn't love "Dr. Oldspice" as Jack calls him in the voice-overs. And also the Jo/Zane issue is still up in the air: he knows (figured it out finally), and Zoe entered too fast to really see his reaction.

The whole time travel/phasing back into self/leaving short but somehow significant messages in recording tape bit was a little hinky, but I'm giving them some leeway for a dramatic season ender.

Oooooh, "hinky". I'm clearly ready for some NCIS.

True Blood "Evil is Going On": ...A mediocre, not terrible, end to a mediocre, not terrible season. Gotta say, I wanted to be blown away, and ended the episode thinking "well, I guess they could've done worse". The only characters I really cared about this season were Jessica, Hoyt, Eric, and Pam, all of whom were robbed of their screen time. Well, and Russell Eddington. That is one crazy-ass hilarious vampire. But honestly, this season did no favors to Sam or Jason, who both got dragged through some rather painful stories of "soul searching." I even felt some sympathy for Tara. Sympathy that they put her through even more supernatural shit and then made her chop of all her hair. Franklin still gives me nightmares though - give that dude an Emmy, cause I don't know what'll happen if we make him angry...

Well, back to work for me!
~ Sarah

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