Sunday, July 18, 2010

EVERYTHING that I've been watching

SPOILERS: Since I'm catching up, most descriptions are vague, but they do cover recent episodes of Stargate Universe, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Covert Affairs, White Collar, and SYTYCD. Also a few crossover spoilers I've picked up.
Don't say I didn't warn you

Yes, I have lots of catching up to do. Part of my lack of enthusiasm for posting is because, to be totally honest, I'm a bit disappointed with summer programming so far. It's neither bad nor good, thoroughly not worth writing about. With one MAJOR exception. If you have ever been a James Bond fan, you should be watching Covert Affairs. Not to say you must be a James Bond fan to enjoy it, but for those of us who are it is absolutely wonderful, and though I watched the premiere on a last minute whim, I will be anxiously counting down the seconds until the next episode. But more to come later (as the newest show, it's at the end, and will probably get it's own separate review).

Stargate Universe finale: GRRR. A perfect example of why I stopped watching Smallville - using the cliffhanger that everyone could possibly die. I'm immune. Now, it just makes me stop caring because there's no point in worrying. However, until the last 5 minutes, it was excellent. I love the fact that the presence of the Lucian Alliance could mean some new characters in the fall. Did not see the "Telford WAS actually mind controlled" twist coming - honestly, I don't remember an SG episode that used mind control convincingly since the 4th season SG1 episode Divide and Conquer. Of course, once that twist was revealed, he was doomed to die in a heroic turnabout. My biggest issue? TJ was the stomach...If that was used in order to keep her alive but make her miscarry, I'm going to @#(*$&*#@$& Sorry, it was so awful it had to be censored. Twice. But it was bad.

Also, as a side note, I just saw this about the possibility of an SGU/SG Atlantis crossover...Hmm...

Royal Pains/Burn Notice: Eh. I've been watching. Both are back to their usual case-by-case pattern, without much to really excite about either show. Although, I do really like the character Jesse in Burn Notice. But really, it's nothing to make me fight over the remote for, so I just watch on Hulu when I've got time.

SYTYCD: Injuries left and right. Christina was booted way too early - Melinda wasn't sent home soon enough. Lauren is safe purely because I can't imagine how they'll do a finale with four guys. Kent and Jose are adorable, but they're charm is starting to wear off. And best dance so far, for me? No brainer, Macavity: the Mystery Cat with Billy - that boy is part cat, I'm sure of it. If he makes it to the finale, I may actually feel compelled to cast a vote. :D

White Collar: You know what? I was really looking forward to the premiere last Tuesday. And you know what I got? A normal episode. Nothing wrong with that. It was good, a good episode, a reminder of why I like the show. But it was a PREMIERE. And even with the twisty ending, I didn't go WOW or AWESOME or even WTF?! But, Matthew Bomer will always have a place in my heart. He really is the con artist with the heart of gold. And excellent hair.

Eureka: Oooh, I like the new guy, Grant. I loved the premiere cause I'm a sucker for historic settings. The costumes, the lingo, the distinct presence of sexism - the 40's were great times. (And yes, that was only partly incredibly sarcastic) However, as a huge time travel fan, I am bothered by the fact that the alternate universe concept is getting drawn out over the season. It's far too easy to believe that someone would make a mistake - I mean, Henry is married to a total stranger! And poor Allison, having to confront the idea of losing Kevin. And yet, all I could think of was, does this mean Nathan Stark is back? Unfortunately, no.

One plot hole problem: Henry claims that their influence on the past means they've had large impacts on their own lives, but that the impact diminishes out from them, like ripples. So historic events, like the moon landing, and other organizations like Warehouse 13 are unchanged (allowing for a crossover). But if Grant was an important scientist, and he's no longer in his past, then he DOES in fact, have an influence on major events, since science didn't progress like it was supposed to. Anyone have a solution?

Warehouse 13: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I was promised Jewel Staite and Sean Maher. And I got them. Proving the proverb is true "be careful what you wish for, you might just get it." It was a cheesy episode full of lingering glances and declarations of love that I did not need. Plus the plot was spoiled because you know who has the artifact the instant you meet them. And finally, what's the humor level supposed to be of this show? I'm confused. Pete cracks a rather lewd joke about Myka's chest when he finds out her middle name is Ophelia. But then when everyone realizes that in order to save the world, Myka must get Sean Maher's underwear off.....seriousness? I mean, come on, not one joke? Also, they don't seem to be too worried about Well's, though I did like seeing MacPhereson one more time.

By the way, there has been a confirmed crossover between Eureka and Warehouse 13. Claudia will be making a trip to America's smartest little town while Douglas Fargo will be coming to visit America's best kept secret. Don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to it.

Covert Affairs: LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. As I said above, if you like James Bond, this needs to be your show. I've already rewatched the premiere, and I am dying waiting for Tuesday. Just sitting here typing, I know I'm going to have to do a full separate review of the show. The absolute highlight for me is Christopher Gorham's incredibly believable acting as a blind and extremely funny tech guy named Auggie. If the next episode even comes close to the premiere, this is going to be the show of my summer, and you'll be hearing a lot about it in the future.

So there you go. Did I miss anything? Agree? Disagree? Feel general apathy but still want to comment?

~ Sarah


  1. Sarah's back! Yay!
    So, I watched Covert Affairs on your recommendation...OMG SO GOOD! It's just what this couch potato needs to get over her mono. Thanks for the tip!

  2. I concur, YAY sarah's back! I am going to completely agree with you and say Auggie is AWESOME!!!!! (totally didn't realize it was henry from UB). And on a SYTYCD note I'm going to disagree and say basically anything that alex did was the best and it was so disheartening to see him go home so early :( Though Billy and Robert are in a tie for my next favorite (and macavity was quite good)... and I am soo done with jose and kent, they have cute smiles WHO CARES I swear the judges are pulling a double standard with them and the rest of the contestants. anyways YAY Sarah's back!

  3. Alex was really excellent, I'll give you that - his hip hop number with Twitch was fantastic, I had forgotten about it.

    I agree with you, there is definitely a double standard there because of their adorable personalities. But I think last week they started to address that, they mention it in their critiques (and with Kent, they made a few comments early on about how he shouldn't be dancing as a character when he has to dance manly). The problem is, the general audience is probably not going to follow suit.

    And thanks for the yays! They make my day! :D
