Saturday, December 11, 2010

Another thing to tide you over...

Still working, still catching up on TV. Bones made a comeback, by the way, with a hell of an episode "The Doctor in the Photo", and Sanctuary tied up their Father Jensen storyline nicely and is headed toward Hollow Earth next week.

Plus, I know I've said this before but, Jonathan Young is so great as Nikola Tesla on Sanctuary. Who else can make walking away saying "you're welcome" after unbuttoning a woman's shirt with magnetic powers while she awkwardly flirts with another character [below, on the right] so wonderfully snarky and hilarious? Once I find a clip of that scene, I'm posting it here, let me know if you find it!

Speaking of clips, here's two more to keep you going. Taylor the Latte Boy and Taylor's Response - these have been playing out of my headphones all finals week. These are my favorite performances; the original song doesn't have a set girl's name in it (it's not from a show) which is why the name changes from Kristen to Lindsey. Enjoy!

~ Sarah


  1. Some of us want to make sense of the Bones episode! Come on, let's have a review!

  2. Soon, I promise!

    If you want my initial reaction, I think it was definitely the reverse of everything I've been complaining about for the last few weeks (about them backsliding the characters). They managed to balance a very fine line between identity crisis and actually going crazy on Brennan's part, and I liked it. Without the funny security guard, or if he had turned out to be a hallucination, it would have been melodramatic and silly.

    That's my two bits on it for now, by Tuesday afternoon I will be done with all my finals work and be able to catch up.
