Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seven Songs I'm Humming

On the seventh night of Hanukah,
I bought something for me:

Seven songs I'm humming,
Six brand new shows,
Five crazy games!
Four bloody films, Three Sanctuaries, Two Middlemans,
 and a Colbert's Christmas Special DVD

So Hanukah is long over, but I am determined to finish this. I might have gotten waylaid by the newest Rick Riordan books (that man can do no wrong) but more on that later. Here it is, the seven songs on my youtube playlist that always cheer me up:

Tonight I'm Frakking You (Break Originals)
It takes massive girl-balls to wear a Leia golden bikini in an Enrique Inglesias parody music videos, making Alessandra Toressani the only thing from Caprica I know enough about to respect. Also, Amy Okuda (Tink from the Guild) and Kunal Nayyar (Raj from BBT) make memorable appearances as well.

It's Tough to be a God (written by Elton John)
If you've never watched the under-loved Disney movie Road to El Dorardo: 1) You're childhood is incomplete, and 2) You probably also never saw Quest for Camelot so go watch both. Also, neither have soundtracks available on ITunes, making me incredibly grateful to whoever put this catchy tune on the web.

Dress and Tie (Charlene and Darren Criss)
Simple, pretty, and catchy. I had no idea who Charlene was until she popped up on Glee but I am an eternal fan of Darren Criss. This beautiful sweet song plays to both their strengths without the insanity and absurdity of Glee drama.

Big Bang Two (Chameleon Circuit)
Come on. There's actually a band that writes all their music based on Doctor Who. And it's so good that supposedly quite a few of the cast and crew are fans. British people are so much more awesome - in the US they'd get sued. Don't listen unless you've seen the Season Five finale episode with the same name.

Glitter and be Gay (music by Leonard Bernstein, from Candide)
Kristen Chenoweth is a singing goddess with the comedic timing of someone from Canada. And if you don't get that reference I can start listing all the famous comedians you don't realize are Canadian...... Anyways, here's my proof (for Kristen Chenoweth I mean).

Tik Tok (Goes the Clock)
Gotta love the nerdy parody videos. This is the reason I have the Ke$ha version for the song on my Ipod, and that's not something I admit lightly. Parody of Season Six of Doctor Who, don't watch if you haven't seen it well enough to get the name. [Spoilers, sweetie!]

Anything Goes (2011 Tony Awards) (Cole Porter)
Oddly specific yes, but I am a long time fan of Sutton Foster and she was totally fantastic in this show [I sat in the center of the third row! How awesome!]. Anyways, this is a shortened performance of the titular song, but the important thing here is to remember that Sutton has been sitting on her butt in a gown all night, had practically no warm up time, and dances so damn well that if I showed you a 5 sec clip from the dance middle, you wouldn't be able to spot her from the professional dancers. Then she opens her mouth. Wowza.

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