Thursday, January 20, 2011

Castle's Back!

SPOILERS: ...Castle... hopefully, that's not a surprise

In case you don't read titles, Castle's back! And as far as I know, nothing else. So it gets its own post. But not a long one. Cause I'm lazy. And the Thursday finales took foooreeevvver. And I like short sentence fragments. And I have sooooooo much homework. (Yes, this is from January 3rd)

"Nikki Heat": Great episode. Great, great episode. Really wonderful episode. I'll go ahead and say it now, I give the episode an A.

The case: To be honest, not paying that whole much attention to the case. But it was a good case; complicated in the solving, but simple in the reveal. A matchmaker wants to fix her mistakes my helping her female clients escape bad marriages. And in the end the murder was just accidental, just a normal guy who lost control.

Ryan's proposal: Cute, just super cute. It's so nice when main characters have solid relationships with people who aren't always on screen (I'm not sure how many times we've ever actually seen Jenny). The whole thing was funny, dramatic, and best of all, not that far from realistic.And his girlfriend? Most Irish name ever.

Natalie Rhodes/Nikki Heat and Castle: Fantastic. Castle gets converted into a Rhodes fan over the course of the episode - but I think everyone was surprised when he said no to her. Even Castle think's him sleeping with her would be in poor taste. It's not that Castle is quietly pinning, waiting for Beckett (after all, he's with Gina); he just recognizes potential squick in order to avoid it.

Natalie Rhodes/Nikki Heat and Beckett: Hahahahaha. If you're familiar with the Doctor Who episode "Midnight", that's what this reminded me of. Rhodes slowly adapts, mimicking Beckett, and then charges ahead, leaving our fair heroine thoroughly creeped out and hurt. Plus, she gets so uncomfortable when Rhodes asks for her help with getting Castle to sleep with her (for research purposes).

Best quips:
  • "a murder will make you feel better"
  • "w/o the reality show - or pulse"
  • "if I'd seen it, which I haven't" (Alexis sounds like my sister who, of course, neeever saw the unrated version of Wedding Crashers when she was 15)
  • Rhodes describes the Nikki Heat sex scenes as verbal masturbation 
  • Rhodes' comment about how a normal case is so much better than twists and melodrama that less is more - funny thing, it holds true for the TV show as well
~ Sarah

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