SPOILERS: .... NONE unless you count basic info on the musical and books
And I do mean ALL SEVEN. There's Professor Quirrel, a Triwizard Cup (but not really, cause why would a Triwizard Cup have four people, that's absurd!), hortcruxes, teen angst, and more. The show is hilarious, alternating between honoring and mocking....okay, mostly mocking...the wonderful world of Harry Potter. The music is catchy, and free for download on the Teen Star Kid website. The only problems are that the existing video on YouTube is of a live performance, so the quality varies somewhat.
Of course, it's 4 hours long. But hey, the bigshots in Hollywood can't fit Deathly Hollows into one movie - I think they deserve props for putting seven years into four hours of dance and song. This show is totally worth it: you'll be humming and quoting the show for just as many hours, if not more, and driving all your friends crazy. And, yes, it's a "super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot" musical.
Check it out here on Team Star Kids You Tube Channel (it's available as a playlist)
And what's this about a sequel? Well, if you're dying for more after watching the first edition, I have excellent news for all of you! Team Star Kid is currently showing their sequel (aptly named, A Very Potter Musical 2) in Ann Arbor, Michigan tonight through May 16. I bet you we'll be seeing it up on You Tube very soon - can't wait!
~ Sarah
Favorite character: Malfoy. No other work quite captures his inner essence.