SPOILERS: Basic info on Whedon shows, no real spoilers
I found this article through a Bones blog because it references David Boreanaz. This is a really funny article that looks at actors who are famous for playing a "Whedon character" (an iconic character in a Joss Whedon show) versus other roles they've become famous for. I agree with a few points, disagreed with a few, and was shocked at Morena Baccarin's other role! Also, I got mad that Alan Tudyk was missing, so I wrote my own. Take a look, read what I thought, and post your opinion!
And, yeah, when it comes to Dawn and Connor, give them props for whatever other success those actors have had because I'm trying to erase the memory of those characters out of my mind. Connor was the most horrifying, since they had to make a public release that the character was over 18 so that his romance with Cordelia wasn't creepy.....which it completely still was. I mean, they had a kid who turned out to be "The Beast."
Small note: "The Beast", also known as Jasmine, ALSO wonderfully played by Gina Torres. BAM
As for Morena Baccarin - HOLY #*&$@ that's her in V?! News to me. Wow. Just wow.
I do however disagree on three points: Nathan Fillion, Eliza Dushku, and Amy Acker.
Nathan Fillion - the writer said it was a tie between Castle and Firefly, similar to David Boreanaz, but Mal domintaes. I highly disagree. Yes, Fillion was iconic as Mal in Firefly, but his role as Castle makes that show worth watching. As great as the rest of the cast is, it's just a boring procedural without Castle's spunk, his jokes, and his great reactions. He makes it a wonderful show. So I'm gonna go with close, but Castle.
Eliza Dushku - No, I'm not making a plug for Echo. I think that the writer chose the wrong comparison. Instead of Faith to Echo, it should have been Faith to Tru from Tru Calling. Of course, all three roles were basically the same - strong, independent but somewhat emotionally insecure. Course, it would still go to Faith, but I think Tru should have been given a chance.
Amy Acker - In the end, Fred would probably win if I sat down and thought really really hard. But I cannot get over Whiskey's fight with Echo at the end of Dollhouse when she's possessed by the founder of Rossum and becomes Clyde 2.0. Her perfect delivery of her lines, and her amazing skill at controlling her posture and movements really convinced me that she was a man's personality unfortunately stuck in a woman's body. Absolutely great, and I think we'd all been looking for an Amy Acker vs. Eliza Dushku fight for a very long time. [Image]
And finally, where the heck was ALAN TUDYK?! I saw that he was on Vampire Diaries the other day, and my sister didn't understand why I was freaking out.
So, Alan Tudyk: Wash (Firefly) or Alpha (Dollhouse)? Ooooh, tough. That's very on the border, they were both very strong unique characters, both contributed massively to their shows. I have to go with Alpha though. First season, he didn't do much, but since I didn't know him from Firefly then, the shock of finding out who he was made that whole episode one of the best of the season (ok, so that doesn't say much). However, Alpha's return in the second season, with the suit, the punny one-liners, and the total terror he created made him a far better villain than the entire Rossum Corporation combined. So, Alpha it is.
~ Sarah
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