SPOILERS: Friday night's episode
When it comes to Stargate Universe, I still have not made up my mind about the series; not just how it compares to the rest of the franchise, but also whether I would be watching it if it was a standalone. Pain did very little to change my mind one way or another, which is surprising for such an emotional and action-low episode but there's still plenty to talk about, especially what it says about the characters and actors.
The only thing I have to say to this is POOR VANESSA. That's right, her first name is Vanessa. Did you know that? I didn't. What an abused character, not even main cast - everyone else has the good and the bad moments. She's just the token tough military girl in the background until they need someone to take a hit, make us feel for her emotionally, and then move on, without providing any resolution to the character. I really like the actress, and I just hope she gets more time to shine next season. [Image Source]
Next, the plot. Hooray for magic limbic system attacking ticks! They're so handy for providing looks into all the hidden issues the characters are dealing with. It didn't even feel too forced - I'm getting used to the "we went to a planet between this and the last episode but don't have time to show it to you" vibe that comes with half the SGU episodes.
I really like seeing what bothered who. Some were predictable - Rush and the aliens, token crew members and token fears like snakes and claustrophobia. But Greer and Chloe took the cake. And, by the way, that really means something; I am NOT their biggest fans. Mostly because Chloe serves very little purpose on that ship besides eye candy, though they seem to be making her into a Daniel Jackson-esque protege with her recent discovery of latent alien knowledge. Greer often seems to me as a forced battle-hungry military type.
Still, there was something compelling about their hallucinations. Greer and his dangerous suspicion of Rush and Wray, to the point where he is willing to use lethal force, is terrifying and yet absolutely believable - he will do ANYTHING to protect the ship and keep Young in command. Plus he really doesn't like them. And Chloe's grief over letting go of her dad, at first seeming pathetic, eventually got me. When the tick is removed, you can tell she feels like her father just died again, and it's one of the few times I've really felt for Chloe.
Then to end the episode, Rush accidentally stabs Wray in the shoulder with a screwdriver. There was something very misguidedly triumphant about him fighting back at the "aliens," though it ends with her screaming in total panic for help, surrounded by two violent people "under the influence." Still, it did give a little action to the episode, and I'm sure we'll be seeing Wray's sling in a few more episodes, reminding us of what she has suffered through.
And yet, after all of that, my favorites parts were watching Young and TJ squirm trying to figure out their whole "about to be parents" issues. Young is clearly worried that TJ will get a tick on her, and TJ is stuck reminding him again and again that she has to keep doing her job, cause no one else can.
So, my final opinion? Pain was a good episode, it fit well within the season. Didn't change my mind about the show, but it was great to see them take a break from science and military at work, especially after those last 3 high intensity episodes. I think however, that in the future, with the gift of hindsight, this episode may stand out - dark and emotional, with a little bit of hold-your-breath action towards the end.
~ Sarah
I'd like to register my disapproval of the fact that Hulu now has an 8-day delay. This means I'll have to come back to your review in a week.