Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On The First Night of Hanukah...

Yep. I went there. I refuse to conform to the annoying yet endearing cliche of counting down to Christmas. 1) Because I don't celebrate it and 2) because I don't how you're supposed to remember the day it starts and I missed it.

[And I know what you're thinking. 25 - 12? Really? I can't do basic math anymore. Give it to me in the form of a partial differential equation and then we're talking.]

Anyways, kicking it off today, I begin listing things I love that you should buy for people you love. (Or yourself because that's how I got the song lyrics to work)

On the first night of Hanukah I bought something for me:
Colbert's Christmas Special DVD

That's right, I'm starting Hanukah with some Christmas. It's really only fair, as Christmas Eve is actually the most sacred Jewish holiday of the year, traditionally celebrated with Chinese food and a movie with my family.

Anyways, to get you in the holiday spirit, check out the fantastically awesome special that I'm sure is constantly running on Comedy Central right now. Airing originally in December 2008, it's absolutely hilarious, irreverent, and full of the same humor as the Colbert Report, but with extra musical guests.

I remember when it came out because I was in class when Colbert ordered his fans to all buy an album of the special at 5pm so he could pass Kanye West on the Top Album chart. My first act of rebellion in service to the Colbert Nation! (And we succeeded!)

Anyways, I'm sure the whole thing is online, but here's a sample with my personal favorite song: "Can I Interest You in Hanukah?" with John Stewart.

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