SPOILERS: Big Bang Theory, Sanctuary
No Bones this week, which means a very sarcastic thank you and a rather rude gesture towards the abstract concept of sports on Fox. However, it does mean I can spend much more time on the wonderful awesomeness that was the Sanctuary episode. Oh, and BBT had something too.
Episode of the Day: No brainer, probably the episode of the week, Sanctuary, "Firewall"
Big Bang Theory, "The Desperation Emanation"
So this week's episode was a little slower than last week's. I know the plot was supposed to be about Leonard, but it still really felt more like the Sheldon show. Sheldon meets Amy's mom. By video chat. [below] The show is funny yes, but the lack of variety in plot lines is starting to wear on me. Anyone notice Penny's absence? That's because Kaley Cucco was out with a broken leg during the week they shot this episode. Fun fact. There were some great moments though, from both Leonard and Sheldon:
- "A Beautiful Mind" as a feel good romp
- All the bars - Sushi, Salad, Apple Genius
- "I'm a physicist, not a hippie" and the physicist's definition of "screwed"
- "Got your back Jack, bitches be crazy"
Sanctuary, "Firewall"

Wrapping up - First, we got to deal with the aftermath of Kali Part 3. Weeks have passed, it's business as usual for the gang. I loved hearing Kate talk about the Sanctuary money and buying information [especially with a nice Cabal reference], it's nice to hear them casually refer to the logistics of the Sanctuary network when they could so easily gloss over it with "look what I found." As for Wexford finally getting what was coming to him - first off the phrase "Wexford and the Unbelievers" is a reference to a band made up of Sanctuary crew members (it's where the character's name came from in the first place). As for him getting kicked out of power - my friend Belle said it best when they fired him and she yelled "pwnd BITCH."
Finally, why was Declan there? Doesn't he run the UK Sanctuary? I was very confused.

Gregory Magnus' Message - All I have to say is. Really? That wasn't the hardest code ever. Plus, how did Magnus never think to match up her two presents with the same symbol on them? It seemed kinda obvious. Of course the seemingly corporeal image generated was mysterious - guesses? My first though was actually of a "New Bathasala", the vampire city, though it could be other mythological locations like Atlantis (doubtful because of Stargate) or Avalon. Anyway, weird shout out about Michael Angelo, and finally, one last bone to pick - crystals.
Hmm, magic crystals that do all kinds of crazy stuff...Where have I heard that before....Think, think, think...Amanda Tapping and crystals and technology - Aha! Stargate SG1! A lot! Crystals were a common magic catch-all technology for the show. Now, I've thought long and hard about this, and come to a compromise. Crystals make sense as a scifi tool for image projection (optics, and light bending, and all that stuff) so I'm ok with a crystal being used to show the special city. But if it's used for more than that, I shall become increasingly indignant. How's that sound? Until we learn more [what Henry seems to be trying to do below], I'm holding back total judgement.
Some final notes:
- Is Ghandi's presence in the opening sequence new? I thought it was Einstein in the picture.
- "Currying political favor - I'd rather drink coffee" - if you don't know why this is funny, I highly recommend watching Season 1 episode "Kush". Although, I have to say, for not liking currying political favor, Magnus has certainly got a lot of sway and favor stocked up. Just from being her charming self, I suppose.
- Ehh I'm a little iffy on the Cabal reference to experiments they did several years ago, I don't think she was aware at that point they were around (didn't she only find out about them in Fata Morgana?)
- Pointing out the fact the the Big Guy does surgery was wonderful - no show should take itself too seriously
- Did you get the Twilight reference? Christopher Heyerdahl (Big Guy/Druitt) played the character Marcus in the Twilight movies.
- "I love being the bait!" Ah Will, but you're so good at it!
- Hank??? When did Kate start calling Henry that?
Finally, next week - BANK ROBBERY. Who's excited? I so am.
~ Sarah
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