SPOILERS: Castle and Chuck
No House this week, but it didn't stop Monday from being totally freaking awesome. Seriously. Freaking. Awesome. So much. Two thumbs up.
I can't decide on an episode of the day, Castle and Chuck were both total winners. SO, I'm leaving that debate up to anyone who wants to comment! (And I'll probably play devil's advocate)
Castle, "3XK"
The Castle writing team really knows how to do a serial killer episode. I mean, this episode was wonderful in every sense; the tension and drama were top notch, while also having wonderful moments of comedy.
But first off, there's one thing that needs to be pointed out: Lanie still DIDN'T GET A BEAR CLAW. Come ON Castle and Beckett. You make a coffee stop every morning. Is it that hard to get a pastry too? That girl deserves one. But onto the plot:
I can't break this up into pieces because it was the flow of this episode that made it so wonderful. We're immediately presented with a nice setup of a serial killer we haven't heard of before, but the characters separately have. We even get a look at (who we think) is the killer - and he was creepy. We get a fall guy (Sweaty Von Mc-Sweats-a-Lot). We find the connection between our first victim and the Triple Killer (a really clever one, that he tracked her down as the informant). We catch who we think is the killer.He's a slippery bastard, we get another plot twist with his partner, but then we nail him using his foster brother. We're happy, we're good - and OH G-D IT'S
What shocked me the most was the delicate way in which Alexis was tied in. Yes, I used the word "delicate" when referring to an Alexis subplot. Because to be honest, in retrospect, it had no connection to the serial killer. But, the use of "flaxen" in her poem (even though she's not blonde), the park as a meeting place, and the personal threats made to the detectives and Castle had me convinced she was in danger. Thus making the call from Martha all the more dramatic - yes, we could sigh in relief for Ashley, because Castle [below] was the one in danger!
And to be honest, the reason Castle wasn't shot? Because he's a main character. I'm actually surprised Ryan survived as well. Pleasantly surprised, of course.
Here's the fun moments as well:
- Lanie: "I only listen when it comes from her"
- "Could be me. Still me." "Could be you." "Just for that, I base my next book on Esposito"
- Castle correcting Beckett's handwriting
- Alexis, please lock your windows
- The chief uses a revolver?! WTF also, Castle gets a little too into the arrest (return of the Writer vest)
- "Charming in an asexual non-romantic kind of way"
- "You called to seek my counsel...I've got nothing"
Now, I knew Chuck was going to have a good episode this week. Linda Hamilton making her real debut as Chuck's mom as well as Robert Englund (the one and only Freddy Krueger) as a super creepy scientist [below]. I am far too much of a scaredy-cat to watch Nightmare on Elm Street, but between this episode and his appearance on Bones as Brennan's high school janitor, that man scares the shit out of me. Him, plus Mama Bartowski? Plus a baby in a snail costume? Wonderful!
So Freddy basically made a the Scarecrow toxin from Batman Begins. Nothing original there. But what was refreshing was Chuck's mother's real intentions - I believe she knew he was wearing a vest, but I also am willing to believe she went rouge. She doesn't have to be a good person to care about her family. Speaking of, the end scene was totally heartbreaking, watching her getting picked up on her way to see Ellie. But good for Chuck, having the balls to finally tell Ellie the truth. My one question? If she claimed to know nothing about Chuck but everything about "Charles Carmichael" and the Intersect - how much did she know about Orion/Stephen Bartowski?
- Girlfriend and mom meet; "Please don't kill each other"
- "You can't say goodbye like a normal person"
- Casey and Morgan = classic Ross and Rachel
- Now that's a new take on "[son] get in the car" -"but moooom" "i will shoot you!"
- "My mom dropped me off" - deadpan and hilarious as hell, while still with a bit of sadness
- Old people! Black licorice! OTTERS! Is it a baby or is it a snail????
So, what did you think? Who won on Monday? Chuck or Castle?
~ Sarah
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