Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Power of Copy/Paste HTML

Notice anything differently? Huh? Yeah, yeah, no posts in the last few days. I blame 4 problem sets, multiple computer labs, and one paper. I have been watching, I'll get my review of last week up later today - they'll contain a brief look at the three finales (White Collar, Eureka, and True Blood) and then I'll do full reviews of each separately. At least that's the idea.

Anyways, the difference is:

this blog is on Facebook!

I think this is cool. You can now like the page and get updates, or like individual posts if you don't feel like commenting. Plus, you can write any comments you have about the blog in general on the wall.

And since my knowledge of HTML code could be fit a single page, many many thanks go to my friend Alex who helped me set this all up.

(By the way, the current picture is a stock one I have of a plaque from the Museum of Modern Art. If you have a better recommendation or idea, let me know!)

Edit: Ehh, not so much individual pages. Still trying to get that to work.

Edit of that Edit: You can like individual places but I don't think it shows up on your feed....Anyway, when you open a post the button on top changes from the general blog to the specific article.

~ Sarah

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