Saturday, September 25, 2010

Monday, September 20, 2010

SPOILERS: Castle, House, and Chuck season premieres

Apologies for the delays! I managed to get a second degree burn on my index finger Wednesday afternoon, and the band-aid made it painful and really awkward to type. Seriously, all my notes from the rest of this week look incomprehensible because I couldn't hold a pencil.

Anyways, Monday was a great start to the fall season, hope you tuned in. And yes, the reviews are quite long, these were major episodes.

Episode of the Week: Chuck, "Chuck versus the Anniversary"

Castle "A Deadly Affair": Wow, Castle's back. He went on vacation, got a little more ruggedly handsome, and is back more charming and hilarious than ever. And so is the show! I was pleasantly surprised by just how much I liked this episode, and I hope the trend continues.

The writing for this whole episode was refreshing and funny. The new collection of clips from the intro is a nice touch, and Ryan's comment about the Castle cutout was great (he and Esposito really are pinning for their girlfriend). The quips back and forth were fun, and I really loved the plot. I had them pegged for making drugs way before Castle and Beckett considered it (come on, high school chemistry teacher) but then was really impressed by the counterfeiting spin. 

But really, it was the acting that sealed the deal for me. I can honestly say I've never seen Nathan Fillion so disturbed to be holding a weapon. [Right] If that doesn't make sense, you clearly don't know him for his roles in Firefly or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Plus, there's really nothing that says "Castle's back" like watching him watch a strip tease in front of Beckett. Speaking of which, props to Stana Katic, as well as the actors who play Esposito and Ryan. Excellent back and forth, both comedic and serious. A great reminder that this show is much more than the Nathan Fillion show. 

The key scene for me was when they arrest Castle and then interrogate him. They don't hesitate to arrest him, but don't unnecessarily rough him up. There's lots of reparte, we're reminded about Castle and Beckett's relationships as we left them last May without those characters being exhaustively forced on the viewers. Then we see Ryan, Esposito, and the Chief joking away in between business as usual.

My one issue? Alexis! [Above] It's the return of the hideous "obvious subtext between Castle and teenage issues" monster!!! I have no problems with Molly Quinn, by the way. Last season they managed to ditch Alexis' role as epiphany generator, so I'm hoping this was just for the sake of emphasizing the drama and tension between Castle and Beckett.

Chuck, "Chuck versus the Anniversary": I am continually impressed by how well this show manages to reboot itself. Each season we think, so much happened, how can it be the same show we know and love. Yet there's still the Buy More, still the Castle, still secrets kept from Ellie, and still the awkwardness that is Sarah and Chuck. 

I really adored this episode, and what made it the best of the week was one thing: META HUMOR. In other words, the show pokes fun at itself. Just look at the beginning dialouge between Chuck and Morgan.
Chuck: "This is not the opening of a TV show Morgan, this is real life"

Morgan: "It would've been a little better if we started here and then traveled the world."

Additionally, they had a stellar guest star cast. Olivia Munn as a brief apperance of a CIA agent [Below]. We finally see the General walking. The guy from Rocky says "I must break you." Plus Chuck's mom, played by Linda Hamilton, is a total badass.

And throughout the entire episode, even with the rather serious nature of the plot, we were given little gems of comedy. Running really really fast is always a good strategy and true spies are masters of public transportation. Plus Sarah is really really good at texting barefoot and Morgan is really bad at telling sexting from S.O.S. cries.

Plus, come on, who DOESN'T love the Chuck theme song? Duhhh, duh duh-duh-duh...

House, "Now What?": I'm kinda divided over this episode, to be honest. I mean, I was all for House and Cuddy, but I was rather disturbed by the easy way they fall into being a couple. Plus the bit with House's leg when they finish the scene from the end of last episode was a little cliche, though Hugh Laurie's reaction is perfect. However, the other part that could've gone really cliche was handled really well. House reminds Cuddy how screwed up he is, how he can't change, and she replies that she doesn't expect him to. He's "the most incredible man she's ever met" and "will always be screwed up." After which, he can finally bring himself to say "I love you."

That being said, I want House to answer my phone. Always. And the moment when Wilson shows up and then breaks in through the window was priceless. I actually got a bit scared when Cuddy hid from Wilson, and in Wilson's place, I would've been a bit more terrified that House was relapsing. Still, it was cute, and I didn't realize just how much I had missed Robert Sean Leonard over the summer [Right].

The rest of the episode was also great. The difference between Chase and Foreman comes down to how they chose to intrude on 13's private life by reading her letter. Taub reminds us why we sometimes forget that he's a bit of an ass with marriage issues. Chase propositions Thirteen, which wasn't actually something I had ever considered, and she shuts him down in an adorable way. Though some people complained about the way she left, I think it was exactly in character, and in the style of House.

Also, the case was excellent. Cuddy's assistant was hilarious (btw, he's also played Oliver, Brennan's continual stalker on Bones, where he's also hilarious), and Chase kind of fails at mind games.
Assistant: "I'm not supposed to believe anything you say."
Chase: "I'm...not...a nuerosurgeon?"
Overall, an easily solved case that didn't take up time away from the dramatic events going on for the doctors.

Now time to start working on reviews for Tuesday and Thursday!

~ Sarah

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