SPOILERS: Warehouse 13, White Collar, Covert Affairs, and Eureka
Also, I loved the fact that, well, this episode made sense. Annie is a perfect choice for the assignment (all the young unknown CIA operatives), and seems to simply get lucky in that she's assigned to the office with the leak. Auggie is doing what he does, just for other people - we get to see his old team, and it connects nicely to Annie's mission in th end without being extremely forced (his mission isn't the only one compromised). It wasn't wrung out for more drama than they could reasonably get, and I really liked that we saw two different reactions to Annie revealing she was a "spook." The wife fesses up and comes in to Langley, but Ashley freaks out, and doesn't trust Annie. It seems Annie's magic-like glamour ain't so powerful after all, something that should be brought up more often.
~ Sarah
Wooo I'm back at school!!!!!!
Yes, I'm that weird. I enjoy school. I also enjoy TV watching. And in between all the re-packing and driving and moving, I managed to watch most of my shows this week. (Still haven't caught up on SYTYCD though I know who won) Here we go...
Oh, episode of the week, purely by number of awesome guest actresses: Covert Affairs, "Houses of the Holy"
Warehouse 13 "For the Team": Yay it's Wells! Glad to see her return again. Also, awwww, Artie's got a crush. Though he must be really shy if he's willing to regrow his appendix for her (also, how does she not figure this out?). Claudia was adorable out in the field, I really liked seeing her show vulnerability to Myka. However, I gotta get to the big part of the episode: are they trying to make Wells a good guy?! BOO. Also, BOOO on the mysterious locket being a picture of her daughter. I want evil gadgets, not nostalgia. She's either evil and deserved to be bronzed or wrongly accused, but don't make her so sappy and wishy-washy. I mean, why on Earth would she want to go back to working for the Warehouse??? Also, I like that her basic work in the discovery of amino acids allowed her to instantly make a cure for Claudia. I call shenanigans.
Covert Affairs "Houses of the Holy": This episode was fantastic for three reasons: 1) Lauren Holly (right), 2) Believable assignments for Annie and Auggie, and 3) Anna Camp (left). Basically, it was two great actresses plus a really excellent storyline = one hell of an episode. In case your confused, Lauren Holly played the senator's wife and was Jenny Shepard on NCIS and Anna Camp played the senator's aide Ashley and was Sarah Newlin in the second season of True Blood (the crazy preacher's wife who falls for Jason Stackhouse). They were both stunning, and distinctly different from their previous roles, making it totally enjoyable from a fan perspective and from the perspective of someone who had no idea who they were.
White Collar "In the Red": Is anyone surprised Neal can play poker? Nope? No one? Good. I did like the evil guy's scheme - it was evil and heinous and motivated by pure greed. And I did like the fun bit in the end where they got the gangster to join in on tricking him into a confession. And we saw Hilarie Burton again, which was nice. It was a good episode, a fun episode. Not stellar, and not one I'll remember a few weeks from now, but one I'm sure I'll enjoy rewatching.
Eureka "Stoned": Poooooor Jo. I couldn't really care less about the actual plot of this episode. Actually, I did quite like the appearance of Keegan Connor Tracy (right) who I now know from Jake 2.0. And damn, it's about time Jack made a move. But mostly I spent this episode pondering the Jo-Zane-Zoe dilemma. As terrible as I would feel for the characters, I think I would really love seeing Zane figure out who Charles Grant is. Then, he slowly realizes who else is involved, confronts them, only to BAM realize why Jo acts so weird around him. Maybe even work with Zoe on it. But I really like Jo/Zane, so I hope, if they make this new universe permanent, that Zoe moves on quick.
Also, whoa, it's Beverly. I never watched much of the first season, so I don't know to much about her...but her appearance means the Artifact might be involved, and maybe we'll even be seeing Nathan Stark in the near future...
All in all, what a great week for someone as obsessed as me with recognizing guest actors.
~ Sarah
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