Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Crossover Week (Week of August 1)

SPOILERS: Warehouse 13, Eureka, Covert Affairs, White Collar, and ... True Blood?

Ahhhhhhhh. All the packing and the finishing of work and the presentations and the papers and the partying and the not-sleeping and the driving and the unpacking and the crashing and the sleeping a lot.....................It's finally over. Just in time for me to almost be way too late to post anything. Apologies, but this is going to be short and sweet so that I can post it in time before tonight.

Also, I didn't watch SYTYCD this week; not enough time. I'll watch it before the finale though, don't spoil it for me please!

Warehouse 13/Eureka: I'm treating them as a two part episode this week because of the Claudia and Fargo crossover which was AWESOME by the way. All of their scenes together are wonderful, and I think they even logically make a good pair. They can talk about their work, he's awkward enough that Claudia doesn't feel as out-of-her-depth as she did around Todd, and they both practiced wielding light sabers in front of the mirror.

I also really appreciated how well written the episodes were. They tried very hard to establish a continuity. Artie knows GD and doesn't like it, they address the idea of the artifacts as "magic" when Eureka tries to be well grounded in science, and they even poke fun at the fact that Zane and Claudia share a last name. Who knew Donovan was so sci-fi popular? Claudia even calls home on her Farnsworth while she's in Eureka. 

All in all, these two episodes were really fantastic. Both great in their own right (I'd be curious to know what someone thought who wasn't familiar with both shows), and both shows really tried to interlink their environments (though Eureka did a better job than Warehouse 13).

White Collar: Yay Mozzie! A really fun episode between Mozzie's first steps into the FBI office to all his arguments about Tommy being a version of him. And Gina was really adorable; it was one of those times that I actually liked a couple that was thrown together for one episode. I also really liked seeing Neal mess up and sit on the sidelines a bit for this one.

Speaking of crossovers, I loved the series of previews USA did awhile ago that were crossovers of Royal Pains, Burn Notice, and White Collar. Especially the one with Peter busting Fiona with a gun and grenades.

Covert Affairs: Ooooooh, fun. After being already tossed the contact/double-agent plotline, I was sure that's where Mr. Mysterious Mossad agent was headed as well, and I'm very pleased that it didn't. Also, we got a bit more Auggie background, which was super nice (who names their kid August?). Once again, really loving the fact that they aren't keeping back stories secret; we're already seeing Auggie, and especially Joan, as real people. And by real people, I don't mean "they have issues." Gibbs from NCIS has issues, but we rarely get to peak inside his brain. No, I mean we see their issues, and then we see them deal with them (or not). Maybe not a bombshell episode, but good once again.

True Blood: Well, this review is so late, why not toss this in. The only way to address this episode is to say that they clearly anticipated all the complaints I've been hearing recently about there not being enough sex compared to previous seasons. With the exception of that extremely disturbing Bill/Lorena scene earlier in the summer. Ewwwwwwww.........It still gives me the creeps to think of it.

Anyways, to put it in a friend's terms it was a "rather saucy" episode. Oh, and drama happened. Eric struck back at Russell, Sookie tried to break up with Bill......which didn't last too long, and we still have no idea what hell Crystal and her family are. But mostly, this episode was about sex. Ah, True Blood.

~ Sarah

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