Hey Magnus, guess who's back in town...or at least the Columbian Highlands...
This is extremely late, but I wanted to do a really really thorough review of this episode cause it deserves it. And I guess it's ok to do it now because thanks to SyFy's extreme internet delay policies (30 days before show's are on hulu!) the episode is just now on the web. [Pics also courtesy of SyFy]
So, I think we can agree, before this ep, Sanctuary was off to a great start with Season 3 (and has been doing well ever since). But I have to say, this episode took the cake. Not only was there a well-crafted episode full of that snappy, witty Tesla dialouge we love that - get this - was written by a new writer yet seemed totally consistent with past Tesla episodes while adding more depth to the character...we got background on Biggy and the setup for part of Vigilante!
I mean, what more could you ask for?! (And please don't say Ashley or any other members of The Five. It was rhetorical) For a no previous build up, single arc episode (as in, it didn't also include the Hollow Earth storyline like Animus or Vigilante) that isn't a premiere, finale, or mid-season cliffhanger, that was one hell of an excellent episode.
It was very reminiscent of "The Five", which is my favorite Season 1 episode besides possibly "Nubbins" or "Requiem."
By the way, word of warning, don't get freaked out when I use a "/" between two people. I do not mean creepy slash fiction pairings. I simply mean that I'm referring to that set of characters' relationship/interactions in this episode. It's shorthand that makes my life a lot easier.
Tesla - I was so anxious about this episode; excited and worried. I adore Tesla as a character, but I didn't want him to show up all super confident in his new powers and ready for another take over the world scheme. And he didn't! For once, we see Tesla frustrated; that doesn't really ever happen. Yet the man spent over 60 years with the singular goal of bringing back his species (though I'd say he's still mostly human, he and the Five identify him as a vampire) only to have that totally torn away from him by his own work. Magneto powers don't cut it when you're used to being invincible and basically immortal, he's earned some angst time. And Jonathan Young totally delivers. He's still the same old Tesla, full of banter, hidden agendas, and loyalty (at least to Magnus), but his mini break down about being "human with benefits" was certainly deserved and rather moving. Plus, who now wants to see Tesla go through a normal day and accidentally get his razor stuck to his face?
Biggy/Kate [above] - When did those two become such buds? I thought their faux-Ghost Hunters marathon was great; I love a show that's willing to show us what an average day is like on the job. Kate mentions the "2 am feedings," Biggy kicks back (and we get to see his feet), and it seems like a casual day off when we hear about Father Jensen. Then the two of them solve the case as best they can all on their own. Though I was constantly waiting for them to get back to the Tesla storyline, upon re-watching, their story does hold it's own. I especially liked seeing how Biggy ended up at the Sanctuary (all we knew previously was that Magnus removed "more than a few bullets from him"); he's mysterious enough that it makes sense we've never heard of Father Jensen before.
Father Clark: My first thought at seeing him was "he's definitely evil." And then I felt like a really horrible person that my automatic reaction to a priest is that he must be evil. I went through a minor existential crisis about how so much TV is warping my initial perceptions of others...which didn't last very long because my first reaction turned out to be correct. Which mean that I'm a horrible person, but I'm right. And I can live with that.

Magnus/Tesla: Wonderful. Tapping and Young have the most amazing chemistry together, and though I tell myself to not get into a "will they or won't they" mind set, Magnus may have plenty of other options, but I think Tesla would get bored with anyone else. You really see their friendship in this episode between Magnus' genuine concern for him once they free him from the cocoon and when Tesla hides the fact that he's after the Source Blood because he doesn't want to bring up Ashley's death. Of course, she always has to stop him from bringing back the deadliest race of abnormals the world has ever seen. Those two will always be my favorite example of frenemies.
Plus, his smile as he says "carry me" was priceless.
Plus, his smile as he says "carry me" was priceless.
Tesla/Henry: First off, Henry is in a lot of bro-mances. He and Will are best buds, he and Biggy are super close since Biggy basically raised him, but Henry and Tesla are the funniest because Tesla is such a big brother. Henry idolizes him, and no matter how many times Tesla gives him the run around we still get: "You can work at that level?" "Care to assist?" "Hell yeah!...I mean, whatever." And as much as Tesla likes to mess with him (see below) he does have genuine moments when he praises or values Henry's contributions (less so in this episode, more End of Nights and For King and For Country) - plus, that man has an ego; he likes being idolized [below]. At the end of the day, their exchanges are hilarious, and their characters complement each other far more than Tesla and Will; and if I can't have a Magnus/Tesla scene, I'll settle for Henry/Tesla any day.
Favorite quips:
- "The man comes with a hidden agenda every time" "That's what makes him so interesting"
- "Hope you brought your headlamps. I know you did cause I packed them for you"
- "9 days 7 hours, I'd stop counting but it's just not my nature. You're looking fabulous by the way"
- "I dunno, maybe I taste good with a bechamel sauce?"
- "It makes sense, in an evil way"
- "While I may not be as electro as I once was, being extra magnetic has few uses"
- "Shh, you'll hurt yourself, and I'm feeling far too tired to feign concern" "Jackass"
- "Dammit, that sounded so cool" "Admit it, you liked the other version better" "You are a cold man"
- "Fortunately I can't hear what any of you are saying" "You know what they say, it's not what you have, but how you use it"
At last! I am invincible! And watching Goldeneye as I finish this. Anyways, hope it was worth the wait. A+ episode, all the way.
~ Sarah
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