Friday, July 30, 2010

Note on Posts

So I've decided that I really like using a week review post like I did for last week; it relieves the burden of feeling like I need to write a lot about a mediocre episode. In the future I'll do full reviews of episodes that are incredibly significant (for better or for worse) and finales. Otherwise, with the number of shows that I watch it's really difficult to pull out full posts on each episode. If you don't want to wait that long or have an issue with it, please let me know, it's open for debate!

However, if you want my initial reaction to this Tuesday's trio of Covert Affairs, Warehouse 13, and White Collar it goes as follows: great, wonderfully adorable, and fantastic. Basically, it was an apology letter from USA and SyFy written to me after last week. 

The basic plan for the rest of the summer is: Covert Affairs, White Collar, Warehouse 13, SYTYCD, and Eureka. So I should be able to post my reviews by Saturday. I also watch True Blood, which shows on Sundays; I can include it, but it will delay the posting.

So please, discuss, comment, complain, argue, let me know if this is acceptable!

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