Monday, June 21, 2010

Proof of Intent :D

Yes, yes, I know - I've somewhat failed at maintaing this blog. In my defense, NY is a much more exciting place to be than either Pittsburgh or Washington D.C., making it extremely difficult to willingly sit down and write. I mean, there is so much free stuff to do when you have an unlimited subway card! And you'll probably hear plenty about it. But I digress...

I have not forgotten about this blog, and to be honest, I'm a bit flattered and surprised by how many people have bugged me about the fact that there is a conspicuous three week gap in my posts. SO, I'm going to try to keep this going - and to prove, here's the list of posts I plan on finally writing this week:

  • Glee episodes "Funk" and "Faithfully"
  • Stargate Universe two-part finale
  • Robin Hood
  • Burn Notice premiere and subsequent episodes
  • Royal Pains premiere and subsequent episodes
  • Richard III (in Central Park, for free) 
  • Revival of West Side Story
  • Tony Awards
  • The Coney Island Mermaid Parade - aka what happens when you add together the beach, BP protestors, lots of body paint, hot dogs with excessive amounts of bacon, something called "orangeade" and a few religious protestors
~ Sarah


  1. Yay, Sarah's back! Can't wait to read your posts - and I'm going to keep bugging you if I don't see them! : )

    But I'm very glad to hear you are enjoying your summer.

  2. Thursday and still no new posts... Please come back soon. I'm starting to actually have to deal with my life!

  3. I promise - they are mentally written and once I get home from work today you will be seeing at least 2 posts. I just feel bad posting them now when I have stuff I'm supposed to be doing. :D
