Friday, January 13, 2012

Eight Quips I'm Quoting

On the eighth night of Hanukah,
I bought something for me:

Eight quips I'm quotingSeven songs I'm humming,
Six brand new shows, Five crazy games!
Four bloody films, Three Sanctuaries, Two Middlemans,
 and a Colbert's Christmas Special DVD

DONE! I'm done. Mostly because I finally have other stuff to right about - shows are coming back from break, major video games are about to be released, and I just saw a very musical Harry Potter on stage (and it's not the one you think!). Anyways, let's wrap this stuff up with some humor, shall we?

Oh come on. You knew it. The fact is I'm lazy and if there's one thing I can do, it's quote Sanctuary. Ok, I can do a lot more than that. But Tesla is just so damn funny. And season 4's conclusion two weeks ago was absolutely brilliant (and very explosive, *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*).

Unfortunately the web is rather lacking for individual scenes, although I found a nice vid of some of the great moments of seasons 1 - 3.

So here are some of my favorites from this latest season:
(T = Tesla, M = Magnus, A = Adam Worth, H = Henry)

1) T: "If an immortal vampire dies in a virtual world...." M: "Does he make a sound?"
2) M: "How's your magnetism" T: "You tell me" M: "Really?! Even now?!" T: " Sorry, it's automatic."

3) T: "No more hottie what's-her-face at SCIU.... They all leave me. Even the pigeons in New York left me." 

4) M: "I'm going to search for the surviving members of your staff - or should I say, future members of the class action suit against you"

5) A: "You never did like me, the real me, did you?" T: "Oh come now, what's not to like? Homicidal maniac, paranoid self delusions, a sartorial penchant for argyle?"

6) T: "I hope you aren't planning on having any children." H: "Uh, actually ... [Erika's] due sometime in the next year and a half."

7) H: "What about the [Area 51] on Google Maps?" M: "Decoy, aimed at conspiracy theorists, I'm afraid. Much like the Pentagon."

8) And finally, some of the best Henry nicknames: Furious George and Henrico the Wonder Wolf

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Seven Songs I'm Humming

On the seventh night of Hanukah,
I bought something for me:

Seven songs I'm humming,
Six brand new shows,
Five crazy games!
Four bloody films, Three Sanctuaries, Two Middlemans,
 and a Colbert's Christmas Special DVD

So Hanukah is long over, but I am determined to finish this. I might have gotten waylaid by the newest Rick Riordan books (that man can do no wrong) but more on that later. Here it is, the seven songs on my youtube playlist that always cheer me up:

Tonight I'm Frakking You (Break Originals)
It takes massive girl-balls to wear a Leia golden bikini in an Enrique Inglesias parody music videos, making Alessandra Toressani the only thing from Caprica I know enough about to respect. Also, Amy Okuda (Tink from the Guild) and Kunal Nayyar (Raj from BBT) make memorable appearances as well.

It's Tough to be a God (written by Elton John)
If you've never watched the under-loved Disney movie Road to El Dorardo: 1) You're childhood is incomplete, and 2) You probably also never saw Quest for Camelot so go watch both. Also, neither have soundtracks available on ITunes, making me incredibly grateful to whoever put this catchy tune on the web.